I made this while working on Modafoca last year. I think came out pretty cool Modafoca already had the identity of the event,I made the new illustration and all the advertisement designs.
logo José Jhan
I made this logo back in 2010 for an amazing Fashion Designer in the Dominican Republic José Jhan. Inspired on his hand writing.. Had a lot of fun making it. My friend Karen Brunat made the rest of the corporate identity using this logo.
This is last year daily sale. I love making this Ads they're so much fun. You can see both graphic lines and compare them. Wich one you like better? Do you think the new one was an improvement or do you like this one better?
Advertising Agency: Young and Rubicam
Creative Director: Nelson González
Art Direction and illustration: Me
The dominican most Loved Ice Cream Store is on sale from Monday to Friday do not miss it.
Advertisement Agency: Young and Rubicam
Art direction & Illustration: Me
Anniversary Logo: Moi
Creative Director on logo: Nelson González
Carnaval Rica
On february we created this logo and illustration for Rica juices. They where used in T-shirt, pins, POP and all form of advertisement for this Promo. I love how they came out and the responce we got from them.
Advertising Agency: Young and Rubicam
Creative Director: Nelson González
Art Direction and illustration: Me
To all my designer friends
1. The idea for the logo is...
2. I already told you the colors, the typography...
remember... modern
3. No worries is all clear
4. He will love this idea
7. I love it, just change the type and that's it
9. The type is great now lets make the colors better
12. I gave it a good thought and i think we should do
something completely new...For dominicans
1. YUMM... My favorite breakfast.
2. Mangú, huevo, cebolla... me falta algo.
3. shiiit.. ¿What could that be?...
Miércoles (wednesday)
Como me sentí hoy.
How I felt today.
1. today is wednesday
2. It feels like thrusday
3. But I want it to be is saturday
For a wedding cake
My dear friends Luli and Nelson got married last friday and they asked to make an illustration for there wedding cake which I happily did. It came out really pretty and so them. Like everything else there. Am so happy for them and wish them the best.
Am sorry I've being so quiet lately I just being very busy I'll try my best to keep up the blog, but please hang there, there's a lot to come (working on it).
Love, Karla
P.s. I'll try to get a good picture of it on the cake.
I have an announcement
I know I've being pretty quiet lately and I haven't make any monday post and for that am sorry but I've being crazy busy. But am going to make it up to you soon.
On another subject last night I went to bed dreaming about going to Disney World, I haven't being there since I was 11. And I a remember as a kid dreaming about working there maybe as a princesse I knew that was the only way I could be a princess because my parents weren't part of any royalty family jejeje. And know as a designer and illustrator still will be a dream job.
But to show my honesty about my love for Disney, here are some pictures of my last year Fiona costume for Halloween at my office.
We all go with them on and spend all day long with them on and acting like our characters and then we have a party. And Shrek and I where the Boom, we won First place along with a group of barbies, most say they were cute too and had a real Barbie car. But spend a day as Fiona, with people taking picture with us was one of the most amazing experiences.
By the way I design and put together my costume, from picking the fabric to my pink lipstick all done in only 3 days, crazy right?
But this isn't the announcement the announcement is...
On another subject last night I went to bed dreaming about going to Disney World, I haven't being there since I was 11. And I a remember as a kid dreaming about working there maybe as a princesse I knew that was the only way I could be a princess because my parents weren't part of any royalty family jejeje. And know as a designer and illustrator still will be a dream job.
But to show my honesty about my love for Disney, here are some pictures of my last year Fiona costume for Halloween at my office.

By the way I design and put together my costume, from picking the fabric to my pink lipstick all done in only 3 days, crazy right?
But this isn't the announcement the announcement is...
James and I have being together since november 2010, we love each other. This man is my prince charming, he makes me smiles, he supports me, we share dreams, he is my better half.
I thank God for having him in my life.
We live 3 and a half hours away from each other but in a few months he will move to my city, we can't wait for that to happen.
Sunday mornings are very special to us, but this one I will remember for ever. It was the morning the man of my dreams told me there was no one else in the world he will like to spend the rest of his life with.
It was cute and romantic and the light in the room pink. I LOVE YOU JAMES and like you I can't wait start our life together.
Thank you for making me so freaking happy.
By the way the connection with disney and the news is that we might go to Orlando for our honeymoon. :)We think It will be fun, have any of you had your honeymoon there or have visit lately and have some advise?
(this picture of us was actually taken by his sister last year on our visit to his family at his home town Yakima, WA)
Urban look
This morning I was looking around Pinterest real quick when I found this picture on my friends Maria Bolonotto Fashion Hipster Board. Something about this outfit just called my attention instantly. So on my lunch break I decided to make an Illustration of it. Check this outfit on Asos Fashion finder where the stylist made a achive this look and if you want to see more of her outfits you can follow her Blog, Chic All Over.
Esta mañana mientras chequeaba Pinterest rápidamente, encontré esta foto en el Board Fashion Hipster de mi amiga Maria Bolonotto. Algo acerca de este outfit me llamó la atención instantaneamente. Así que en mi break del almuerzo hice una illustración con ella. Mira este outfit en Asos Fashion finder donde la estilista hizo un logra este look y si quieres ver más creaciaciones de ella puedes seguir su Blog, Chic All Over.
Blog Love Monday: Fancy Treehouse
I love this Fashion Blog! Also Fancy treehouse Store owner Coury Combs is the cutest Girl ever, with a crush for vintage, beautiful things, rings ( I also love love rings) pictures and disney fairy tales (who doesn't?). She can mix and match almost anything and make it look amazing. I love her sense of Style, her store and the pretty pink world around her. We have the same white princess like bed. I love finding things I have or similar to the things in my house or my surroundings in the blogs I follow. just makes me feel like that persons world is as real as mine. With all said and leaving A LOT to find out by your self check her Blog out is like playing with paper dolls. You'll see why I say this.
Amo este Blog de modas! También dueña de Fancy treehouse Store Coury Combs es la chica más tierna de todos los tiempos, se siente atraída por lo vintage, cosas hermosas, anillos (yo también amo los anillos) fotografías y los cuentos de hadas de Disney (¿Quién no?). Ella puede mezclar lo que sean y hacerlo ver maravilloso. Me encanta su estilo, su tienda y el bello mundo rosa que la rodea. Tenemos la misma cama blanca como de princesa. Me encanta encontrar cosas que tengo o similares a las cosas que tengo en mi hogar o en mis alrededores en los blogs que sigo. Es que me hace sentir como que el mundo de esa persona es tan real que el mio. Ya con todo esto dicho y dejando MUCHISIMO para que descubran por si mismos miren su Blog es como jugar con mariquitas. Ya verán porque lo digo.
A Beautiful Mess está bien arriba en mi lista de blogs favoritos. Este blog fue amor a primera vista años atrás. Elsie Larson y su equipo saben lo que están haciendo. A Beautiful Mess es un blog de moda, handmade, estilo de vida, comida y decoración. Es maravilloso! Elsie es una diseñadora, dueña de boutique y co-fundadora de Red Velvet que fue donde descubrí acerca de ella. Este blog me inspira todos los días. Visítenlo. Muchas cosas hechas a mano y hermosas.
Abobe CS5, Photoshop and Illustrator.
Trabajar en este proyecto fue increíble ya que tuve la oportunidad de participar desde el inicio del proceso . Desde ayudar con el nombre hasta diseñar el logo y las tarjetas de presentación. Esta nueva compañia de eventos es manejada por dos chicas divertidas, apasionadas por lo que hacen Espero les vaya muy bien en esta nueva aventura.
Un poco de mi y de mi habitación
Una de las ilustraciones que más me gusta de las que tengo en mi habitación.Es bien pequeña pero muy linda y le da el toque final al espacio donde tengo mi revistero.
He seguido este blog desde hace algunos años ya y es una de las cosas que no tengo que poner en mi lista de cosas por hacer cada día, porque nunca olvido pasar a ver como va la familia. E visto esta familia crecer y el disfrutado la oportunidad de ser inspirada por ellos. Gracias por siempre compartir cosas hermosas y espero algun día tener una familia tan bella como la de ella.
Esta ilustración es de una de sus hijas, la mayor de dos, Plum. Ella es una niña adorable con una personalidad increible y mucho estilo. El otro día vi una foto de ella y tube que dibujarla, espero les guste. Pero lo más importante espero que visiten su blog no lo van a lamentar.
This blog is new so I'm starting new traditions for it. Starting with Blog love Mondays. Every monday am gonna show my love to my all times and new favorite blogs around the web. The first one is an old time favorite BLUEBIRD by Miss James, I LOVE this blog. "Miss" James have a beautiful, creative family, in her blog she shows pictures of her family, shares memories, experiences and pretty things, also vintage things. I love the what we wore post also Bits and Pieces. She has an amazing sense of style in fashion and in home decor.
I've being following since a few years now and is one things I don't need to put on my to do list everyday, because I never forget to visit and see how the family is doing. I've seeing this family grow and I have enjoyed so much the opportunity to get inspired by them. Thank you for always share beautiful things and I hope I have a family as cute as hers one day.
This Illustration is of one of her Daughters, the oldest one of two, Plum. She is an adorable girl with a great personality and style. The other day I saw a pic of her and had to draw it, I hope you like. But most important I hope you visit their blog you wont regret it.
Día de la secretaría
Esta ilustración fue utilizada para promover la venta de la Tarta de Secretarias de Helados Bon.
This illustration was made to promote the sales of the Helados Bon Secretary Cake.
Client: Helados Bon
Agency: Young and Rubican Damaris, Dominican Republic.
Photography: David Pou.
Creative Director: Nelson González
Poster de oferta Helados Bon
Esta fue una de las ofertas especiales de San Valentin 2012 de Helados Bon.
Agency: Young and Rubicam Damaris, Dominican Republic
Creative Director: Nelson González
Alejandro Pérez Domínguez
Adoro este retrato, el manejo del color, la luz, su expresión, para mi todo acerca de esta imagen es perfecto. Con un trazado que imita pinceladas al Oleo, esta pintura digital es una hermosura. Si quieren conocer más acerca del trabajo de este joven y talentoso artista cubano con residencia en Santo Domingo no dejen de ver su blog. Espero ver grandes cosas de el, estoy anciosa por ver más.
I love this portrait, the color work, the lights, her expression, to me everything about this image is perpect. With the oil painting look this digital one is a beauty. If you want to know more about the work of this young and talented cuban artist with residency in Santo Domingo don't miss his blog. I hope to see big things from him, can't wait to see more.
Propuesta para Coca Cola
Esta propuesta fue realizada para la temporada de pelota en la República Dominicana hace unos años. A pesar que gusto mucho nunca salió ya que los personajes de esta campaña eran muy traviesos jejeje. Pero fue muy divertido crearlos y crear situaciones cómicas con ellos.
Agencia: Partners Ogilvy
Director creativo: Freddy Janna
Dirección de Arte: Karla Peña
Ilustración de Modas
Hace un buen tiempo atrás realice esta ilustración, sin ningún motivo aparente, más que me sentí verdaderamente inspirada por una fotografía de una chica falda color mostaza con mucho estilo. No pude encontrar la fotografía, ya que en ese entonces no tenía Pinterest jeje.
Oh Pinteres! me declaro casi adicta (si es que uno se puede declarar casi adicto a algo), pero la verdad me ha ayudado mucho a organizar las imágenes que encuentro online, que son tan bellas e inspiradoras. Ya he podido dejar de guardar innumerables fotografías (que ya luego no encuentro) en folders titulados; CUTE, TOO CUTE, cutie cutie, ilustraciones, más ilustraciones, cosas mias, referencias, referencias en la oficina, mis cosas, fotos, moda, hogar, home, home edition, LO QUIERO, wedding (porque en español suena más fuerte o que me adelanto ) entre otros que si sigo no acabo hoy, pero no les miento tengo dvds llenos de ellos y en cada maquina que me siento dejo un folder de imagenes.
Pero nada mi post cambió de mostrar esta ilustración a casi una poesía a Pinterest, que se vale mencionar no me ha pagado. jejejeje pero adoro el repin y el Pin it en mi barra.
Si quieres seguirme en Pinterest este es mi link.
Karlanga Made it on Design it*s you
Gracias a los chicos detrás de Design It*s you por mostrar mi trabajo y mi blog como Artista de la semana, es un gran honor. Admiro su gran labor mostrando parte de lo mejor en diseño, moda, música, fotografía y publicidad en la República Dominicana e internacionalmente. Otra vez gracias.
No olviden visitar su blog.
Thank you to the guys behind Design It*s you for posting my work and blog as their Artist of the week, is such an honor. I admire there fine work as presenting the best on design, fashion, photography and advertisement in Dominican Republic and internationally. Thanks again.
Don't forget to check their blog.
3M POSTAL DE MADRES 2011, Ojoporojo
Primer boceto.
First sketch.
Postal final.
Final product.
El cliente quedó super contento y se acabaron como pan caliente. Esto fue realizado para Ojoporojo.
The client was so very happy and they run out like hot bread. This was made for Ojoporojo.
Criollos en la cuidad
Mural en la ave. 27 de febrero casi esquina con la ave. Leopoldo Navarro. Junto a Karen Brunat y representando nuestro grupo Kakaito Studio realizamos este trabajo en el marco del proyecto Criollos en la ciudad. Organizado por Ojoporojo, La Revista Lengua y patrocinadores y con la ayuda de nuestra familia y amigos plasmamos en estas paredes nuestra visión de la gastronomía nacional.
El mejor trabajo del mundo! Super divertido super gratificante.
Mural at the 27 de febrero Ave. with Leopoldo Navarro Ave. With Karen Brunat and representing our group Kakaito Studio we made it for the project Criollos en la cuidad. Organized by Ojoporojo, La Revista Lengua and sponsors and with the help of our family and friends we presented our vision of the national gastronomy.
Best job ever! super fun, super rewarding.
Título: Sancocho / Concepto e ilustración: Karen Brunat y Karla Peña / Realización: Kakaito Studio y sus amigos / Curaduría: Ezequiel Taveras, Revista lengua y Ojoporojo.
Elizabeth y Marcos
En febrero mi amigo Marcos me pidió hiciera una ilustración de el y su esposa para el día de san valentín. Obviamente dije que SI! Especialmente cuando me dijo lo quería en un estilo chulito que e estado trabajando últimamente.
On february mi friend Marcos asked me to make an illustration of him and his wife Elizabeth for valentines day. Obviously I said YES! specially after he said he wanted it on a cute style I've being working lately.
Postcard Design
Hice esta postal para Ojoporojo, me encanta trabajar con ellos y me encanto el resultado final. Estas postales fueron realizadas para en una conferencia en la ciudad de Nueva York.
I made this postcard for Ojoporojo, I Love working with them and love the final result. This postcards where made for a conference in New York City.
Client(e): Rica
Digital Illustration, Adobe Photoshop CS5
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