Am drawing Everyday on April

As part of a gig on Instagram am making a drawing every day. There's a theme list. And today's was Hair Style. 

Here in the Dominican Republic we do a hair style that more than a hair style is a thing you do to your hair that makes it flat and shinny, you keep it while you're at home and when sleeping and the next day or at night when you go out your hair is ready to party.

Every women does it even me at least twice a year but every women does it and a lot of them on daily basis. The name of the style is Tubiand they say is miracules and sure is. So Inspired on a Hindu Goddess that's  how Santa Tubi or Saint Tubi was born. And pray to her next time you do a tubi your hair calms down.

How to make a tubi separate your hair in half brush it around your hear and pin it. Repet until all your hair is pined making almost a halmet. Put a net on top and pray to the Santa Tubi she will be able to do the work.

Ps.Is it a dominican Thing or someone does this somewhere else?

But even if other people does it can't imagine they'll do it more than we do.