I made this illustrations for the walls of the nursery of my baby Anya(pictures coming in the future when she gets here :) ). But thought they where to cute not to share. So I'm showing them to you and if you want your own print of it, is now available on my Society6 store!! You can get this designs in a variety of print sizes, pillows, wall clocks, bathroom curtains, mugs, etc. Hope you enjoy!
#1dibujoaldiaenabril is a Instagram movement in the Dominican Republic that invites everyone who is interested in drawing to make one a day for that month. A list of words is shared with one concept per day that everyone works with. Is super fun and I know is old and that I haven't being sharing much here but I found the folder with my files and wanted to share some of my last year drawings. Hand drawn and digital coloring in Photoshop.